Regulatory Analysis Solution
Regulatory frameworks are a complex group of laws and resolutions that govern a regulated industry. Regulatory Analysis Solution provides our clients with a precise understanding of the economical implications of a given regulatory framework. Regulatory Analysis Solution provides valuable insight for tariff reviews, contract renegotiation and impact analysis of regulatory measures.
We approach the task by mapping and comprehending the regulatory framework identifying those economical variables that are defined by law. With this as a guideline, and trough our Economic Research Practice and our Industry Research Practice, we gather information relevant to the design of current and future scenarios. Quantitative Analytics Practice is also a key tool, especially when understanding the behavior of the demand.
E&F Modeling Practice pours all these findings into models consistent with the most up to date theoretical framework, which ensures precision and reliability. Conclusions are presented in a detailed document produced by our Communications Practice.
Our specialists have vast experience in litigation cases involving regulatory frameworks, tariff review and damage assessment regarding regulatory measures. Cases include both private parties and public agencies all over the world.