Antitrust Solution

Our Antitrust Solution’s goal is to give our clients a clear vision of a market structure, giving a solid opinion on the presence or absence of anticompetitive conducts. It provides valuable insight on the likely effects of mergers and acquisitions. We assist parties involved in antitrust litigation including cases regarding price fixing, predatory pricing and exclusionary conduct.

Dante’s first approach is to understand the relevant local legal framework. Different countries, regions or districts have different antitrust laws, and they enforce them differently. We analyze relevant market definition, market dynamics, entry conditions, pricing, single firm conduct, agreements, and profitability, leveraged on state of the art economic theory, reliable statistical analysis performed by our Quantitative Analytics Practice, and thorough context research conducted by our Economic Research Practice and our Industry Research Practice. Findings are presented in a detailed document that expresses an unbiased view of business strategies of the analyzed players. Our Communication Practice gathers objective conclusions in a powerful and robust document.

Specialists working at Dante Consulting are experienced in litigation processes throughout Latin America and analysis of proposed mergers and acquisitions.

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